DHI a.s. << back
Address |
Na Vrších 1490/5 Praha 10 100 00 |
Phones | +420 267 227 111 |
E-mails | emi@dhigroup.com |
WWW | www.dhi.cz |
Location |
Hala 4 - 40 |
Company profile
Consulting services, monitoring, software in the area water management. Supply and service of measuring equipment.
Representative of companies: Nivus, ADS, Fiedler.
Trade name/brand of products: Nivu Flow.
8.2. - Waste water flowmeters
• Dodávka a servis měřicí techniky NIVUS.
• Dodávka a servis měřicí techniky NIVUS.
8.6. - Process monitoring devices in water management sector
• Systém kontroly ztrát vody - Monitor úniku.
• Systém kontroly ztrát vody - Monitor úniku.
Represented brands