Exhibitors for the category "14.8. - Consultancy in water management sector"
We offer our clients a wide spectrum of services in all branches of water management, from the supply and treatment of drinking water, waste water purification and construction of sewer networks up to dam construction, weir structures, flood protection for cities, municipalities, industrial ...
Consulting services, monitoring, software in the area water management. Supply and service of measuring equipment. Representative of companies: Nivus, ADS, Fiedler. Trade name/brand of products: Nivu Flow.
Venkovní plocha 1
Equipment for physical and chemical treatment of drinking water, waste water and industrial water, oxidation, disinfection (O3, UV, CI2, CIO2), removal of contaminants from the landfills seepages. Pipe lines accessories (fixed and flex couplings TEEKAY, distance RACI sliding sleeves, insulating ...
Member of the group of leading European manufacturer of nodular cast iron tubes and adapting pipes offers: - tubes from the ductile cast iron for water and sewage pipelines DN 80-1000, trenchless technologies, pressure distribution systems, snow-making systems - complete range of socket and ...
Magnetoinduction flow meters, ultrasonic flow meters, ultrasonic level meters, electrode systems, Parshall flumes. Development-manufacture-assembly-service. Represented companies: PARS Aqua.
Samplers, flow meters, probes, monitoring stations and analysers. Provider of services associated with the measuring of waste and surface water quality and quantity. Represented companies: TELEDYNE ISCO, Inc/USA, AQUALABO GROUPE/FRANCE, TRIOS/GERMANY, EUREKA WATER PROBES/USA.