Exhibitors for the category "5.3. - Plastic water piping"
ELMO-TRADE s.r.o. is the new name of Maincor s.r.o., a long-term market leader in the industrial segment of piping systems for outdoor sewerage and water supply lines. Elmo trade offers traditional products such as Ultra Rib 2 as well as pipes made by the local company Elmo Plast. We continue to ...
GEROtop is a specialised supplier for companies and wholesalers specialised in utilities, heating and cooling. -GERODUR pipes for utilities and special applications. -HÜRNER welding equipment for plastic pipes. -KRASO ducts through building structures for pipes and cables.
Venkovní plocha 3
Company trading in water supply pipe and plumbing materials. Manufacturer of ground sets and manhole covers. Deliveries to the place of destination.
Aeration systems for biological wastewater treatment.
A specialised wholesale of the complete portfolio of water supply material. A supplier of steel pipes (SALZGITTER MANNESMANN LINE PIPE GmbH), egeplast plastic pipes (Gerex s.r.o. Liberec) and other pipe systems for water supply pipelines, gas pipelines and product pipelines.
WAVIN Ekoplastik, member of Wavin Group, is a major European manufacturer and supplier of plastic pipeline systems. The company was incorporated in 2003 by merger of two traditional manufacturers – the Czech company Ekoplastik with market presence since 1990 and the international producer Wavin ...